Born 1965.
Elementary school and high school (Bundesymnasium und Bundesrealgymnasium) in Braunau/Inn, Upper Austria. High school degree (Matura) in June 1983 (passed with distinction).
Since the winter term 1983/84 studies of law at the University of Innsbruck, since summer 1985 also studies of political science.
Master’s degree in law (Mag. iur.) 1988
Doctoral degree (Dr. iur.) 1990 (passed with distinction).
Dissertation: The Political Party in Austrian law [Die politische Partei im österreichischen Recht], Innsbruck 1990.
Master’s degree in political science (Mag. phil.) 1991 (passed with distinction).
Doctroral degree (Dr. phil.) 1995 (passed with distinction).
Dissertation: Political Financing in Austria. Overview, Trends, Perspectives for Reform [Politikfinanzierung in Österreich. Bestandsaufnahme, Trends, Reformperspektiven], Innsbruck 1995.
Since 1992: Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Conflict Research (Institut fuer Konfliktforschung) in Vienna, Austria.
Since 2001: Lecturer in political science at the University of Vienna.